Help us change lives in Clay Ashland, Liberia.


Liberia trails most other African nations in all educational statistics.

Only 44 percent of children in Liberia currently attend school.

The literacy rate for adults over 15 is 48%.

Decades of civil war and strife have devastated the population of Liberia.



Access to education is generally limited to students in the larger cities. Our school is located outside of the city where help is needed most. We teach children from families in and around Clay Ashland.


Health & Nutrition

Due to severe poverty the children have limited access to healthcare and decent nutrition. Through donations and sponsorship, the school provides lunch and strives to teach the children about basic healthcare.



Outside of the larger cities basic infrastructure is nearly non-existent. Clean running water is a luxury and something we have worked diligently to provide to our school.


Community Impact

The school seeks to improve the lives of the students and community through various construction and volunteer work.


“With the kind support from family and friends, we have been able to change the lives of hundreds of children and parents since the school’s founding five years ago.”

— Ardathom Collins., School Principal



Feel free to contact us with any questions.